Hari: 2 Mei 2018


Tentang VRMED
Pertama kita pasti tau apa itu VR. VR (Virtual Reality) ialah sebuah teknologi komputerisasi yang Menyerupai lingkungan Nyata ,VR membenamkan pengguna ke dunia maya dan memungkinkan mereka sepenuhnya berinteraksi dengannya. Saat ini, headset VR mampu menggantikan 40% dari semua ruang fungsionalitas instrumen mata, memiliki biaya 6 kali lebih sedikit dari peralatan biaya “Golden Standard”. Pengembangan arah baru diagnostik dan pengobatan pasien dilakukan.
VR MED adalah perangkat medis pertama di dunia yang menggunakan teknologi VR untuk berbagai penggunaan. Ini memiliki kesuksesan yang serupa tidak hanya dalam oftalmologi, tetapi juga neurologi dan rehabilitasi. Solusi VR MED akan secara signifikan mempercepat laju penetrasi teknologi VR ke dalam perawatan kesehatan dan obat-obatan, secara radikal memperluas pasar teknologi VR karena parameter unik dari headset VRMED.
Proyek VR MED adalah headset virtual reality medis multifungsi (headset VR MED) yang disertifikasi sebagai perangkat medis. Headset VRMED adalah headset realitas virtual medis khusus pertama di dunia dengan berbagai aplikasi. Semua persyaratan standar internasional untuk peralatan medis diperhitungkan dalam desainnya, termasuk persyaratan untuk ergonomi dalam berbagai kondisi penggunaan yang paling beragam. Setelah menerima sertifikat kepatuhan dengan regulator nasional, headset VR MED dapat digunakan dengan keberhasilan yang sama di bidang oftalmologi, neurologi, rehabilitasi, dan bidang kesehatan masyarakat lainnya.
Ini adalah perangkat yang ringkas dan mudah dibawa-bawa, yang memecahkan masalah penggunaan teknologi realitas virtual dalam berbagai bidang perawatan kesehatan dan obat-obatan. Yang Anda butuhkan untuk transformasi adalah menginstal perangkat lunak yang menyediakan penerapan teknik diagnostik atau perawatan, dan menyesuaikan sistem (dalam beberapa kasus, peralatan tambahan mungkin diperlukan). Tidak perlu mengganti gadget itu sendiri.
Versi lengkap headset VRMED akan mencakup:
  • Sensor posisi;
  • Sensor inersia;
  • Pelacak mata berkecepatan tinggi dengan frekuensi lebih dari 1000 pengukuran per detik;
  • Mekanisme penajaman gambar;
  • Mekanisme penyesuaian jarak interpupillary;
  • Neurointerface;
  • Headset dengan mikrofon;
  • Mikrokomputer yang akan membuat headset menjadi gadget universal yang sepenuhnya otonom.
Di antara tugas yang dilakukan oleh headset VR MED adalah:
  • Visualisasi gambar prasetel;
  • Posisi spasial kepala pasien;
  • Pelacakan gerakan kepala pasien (arah, kecepatan, percepatan);
  • Perekaman video mata berkecepatan tinggi (dengan frekuensi lebih dari 1000 frame per detik);
  • Pelacakan tatapan (arah, kecepatan, percepatan, dengan frekuensi lebih dari 1000 pengukuran per detik) dan analisis data ini;
  • Rekaman aktivitas bioelektrik otak.
Tim VR MED sedang mengembangkan ekosistem blockchain, yang akan menyatukan klinik, pasien, investor, dan pengembang. Blockchain adalah fondasi dari Platform. VRMD-token adalah alat pembayaran internal yang akan memastikan interaksi antar peserta. Token VRMD akan menjadi mata uang internal platform, memungkinkan pengguna untuk memperoleh perangkat lunak untuk memperluas fungsionalitas gadget dan mendukung pengembangan baru pada platform.
Kontrak pintar mengotomatiskan pembayaran antara klinik dan pengembang. Selain itu, mereka akan memungkinkan untuk modifikasi hubungan pengembang-investor, termasuk persyaratan keuangan, serta kondisi untuk mendistribusikan keuntungan dan keuntungan dana. Oleh karena itu, platform VR MED menghilangkan perantara yang tidak perlu dan menciptakan infrastruktur yang diperlukan untuk memaksimalkan efisiensi pengembangan ekosistem.

Informasi penjualan token bisa anda lihat sebagai berikut

Nama Token : VRMD
Token : Protokol ERC 20
Kuantitas : 30 000 000 Token
Harga : 0,25 USD = 1 Token VRMD
Beli dengan BTC ETH USD
Hard cap: $ 5.000.000
Soft Cap: $ 1.000.000
Distribusi Token dan Anggaran:
20.000.000 VRMD – Crowd Sale
4.000.000 VRMD – Tim, Bounty, Pemasaran
6.000.000 VRMD – Cadangan

Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut Tentang VRMED, silahkan kunjungi link dibawah ini:

Website : https://vrmed.io/
Whitepaper : https://vrmed.io/upload/medialibrary/b26/WP_eng.pdf
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3122806.0
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vr1med
Twitter : https://twitter.com/vr1med
Telegram : https://t.me/vrmedio
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZjMG7_yygprBu-og2ttwHQ

Author : Azharif
Myprofile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1297715
ETH : 0x884da3ea4d105b663daaaad61630ad5c18b90082


To make the Gold and Diamond investment secure, easier, and beneficiary, Goldiam comes with an idea which digitalizes the process for mining Gold and Diamond. Goldiam aims to make the investment and receiving assets easier for the users using blockchain. Through this platform, people can invest in Gold and Diamond markets without worrying about any decrease in rates upon selling due to the signature solution provided by Goldium.

Goldiam is a blockchain technology based platform which enables its users to make transactions and investments in an easier way using cryptocurrency – Goldiam Coin. Goldiam facilitates its users with some special features including multi-currency acceptance, money transfer, cryptocurrency exchange, monthly reward for asset-holders, pure gold or diamond(s) shipping, and security. Goldiam is building its own blockchain since private blockchain would allow Goldiam to better facilitate its users in terms of faster, more cost effective and secure platform because private blockchains in comparison to centralized databases, are the cryptographic auditing and known identities.

Goldiam, besides the mining opportunity, is the aggregation of its three major projects,
Smart Gold and diamond
Goldiambox wallet
GlobeUnion platform

The ‘Smart Gold and Diamond’ platform will make the purchase/sale of Gold and Diamond(s), easier for people even if they want pure Gold/Diamond(s) at their doorstep. In such case, the companies partnering with Goldiam will ship the asset to the user’s address with proper security and license. Goldiam has partnered with some valuable Gold and Diamond trading companies which would help us ensure the quality of platform.‘GoldiamBox Wallet’ will reward its users on keeping the Goldiam Coins for at least a month in the Goldiam smart platform while with ‘GlobeUnion Platform’, you can change your GOL into fiat of your choice. At its core, GlobeUnion is a payment platform for family members, workers, and individuals all over the world to withdraw their money in fiat or cryptocurrency. This service will be international, now the users will be able to send money in the form of cryptocurrency and the receiver at the other end will be able to convert it into fiat currency anywhere, anytime.

Goldiam is thus ensuring making the asset investment easier for the investors throughout the world. With Goldiam it would be easier than ever to invest, get rewards and exchange the assets and cryptocurrencies. It is thus one stop for all the Gold and Diamond investors.

Main Projects
Gold and Diamond Buying
Goldiam lets you buy Gold and Diamond with cryptocurrency – Goldiam Coins. Through our Gold and Diamond platform you can now buy these assets, keep them secure in your wallets or withdraw them whenever you need. The withdrawn Gold or Diamond(s) along with the security license shall be shipped to your home. Thus investing with Goldiam is totally risk free.

GoldiamBox Wallet
GoldiamBox Wallet lets you earn coins by doing nothing. All you need to do is hold the coins for a minimum time span of 1 month and you’ll get the reward. Goldiam rewards the user for every coin he has held and these rewards are instantly available. So you got multiple ways of getting profits out of your investment. You can earn profit from Gold and Diamond, or you can get rewards from you Goldiam Coins.

GlobUnion Platform
With our GlobUnion platform we will be able to allow our users to send or receive Goldiam coins. So no matter in which part of the world you are, you can receive or send these coins to your relative everywhere. The receiver will be able to collect the coins after getting exchanged to his desired currency that can be any other digital currency or even fiat.

Goldiam Features
Multicurrency Acceptance
Whether you’ve got BTC, ETH, or XRP, Goldiam accepts it all. So worrying for currency format is no more an issue.

Money Transfer
With our GlobUnion platform you can now send and receive money from any part of the world to any part of the world anytime.

Cryptocurrency exchange
Our Goldiam Cryptocurrency platform allows you to get your coins exchanged to any other cryptocurrency or fiat as and when required.

Monthly reward for asset-holders
Earn coins by doing nothing. Just hold your coins, and get your monthly reward inside your wallet. Invest and Enjoy!

Pure Gold or Diamond Shipment
With Goldiam, you can withdraw the gold or diamond anytime you want and we will ship it to your door steps along with the license and everything required.

Goldiam takes care of the security of your valuable assets. So it is secure within the blockchain if it is in the wallet and we provide you with license when withdrawn.11.JPG

Goldiam Smart Card
Mutual Authentication
For applications requiring secure card access, the Goldiam smart card can verify that the reader is authentic and can prove its own authenticity to the reader before starting a secure transaction.

Secure & Reliable
Full transparency and enhanced security thanks to blockchain safeguards user data, transaction and brand information.

Replace Fiat Money
No need to carry cash and credit cards everywhere you go. Pay with Goldiam Smart Card whenever you want.
4. Instant Payment
Now pay instantly with our Goldiam smart card, at your favorite shops and brands.



Token Symbol GOL
Token Type ERC20
Total Token Supply 32,300,000
Token Price 1 ETH = 1300 GOL
Minimum Transaction 0.05 ETH
Minimum Goal 2000 ETH
Maximum Goal 17,000 ETH
Pre ICO Starts Mar 30, 2018
Pre ICO Ends Apr 8, 2018
Main ICO Starts Apr 9, 2018
Main ICO Ends May 18, 2018




Team And Advisor

For more information you can visit the following link:

Website : https://goldiam.io
Whitepaper : https://goldiam.io/storage/Whitepaper.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/goldiamico
Twitter : https://twitter.com/goldiam_ico
Slack Chat : https://goldiam-ico.slack.com
Telegram Chat : https://t.me/Goldiamico_EN
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3292117.0
Thread Bounty : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3031432.0

Author : Azharif
Myprofile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1297715
ETH Adress : 0x884da3ea4d105b663daaaad61630ad5c18b90082